I would like to keep you informed about the journey that my book Bodyguard is making or has made.
Edward Bach (1886 - 1936) was an English doctor, bacteriologist and homeopath. He worked at the London University Hospital where he developed several vaccines. In the London Homeopathic Hospital, he came into contact with the work of Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy.
He developed the intestinal nosodes and the Bach Blossoms.
French translation of Bodyguard "Garde du corps" was published mid June 2021
Sunday, the 18th of July 2021, I am speaking at the online conference "Where science meets spirituality" organized by the Higher Self Expo.
This conference goes the clock round for 24 hours.
I will be speaking for 45 minutes on Sunday 18 July at
- 05.15 a.m. (EST = Eastern time)
- 07.15 a.m. (AEST = Australian Sydney time)
- 10.15 a.m. (UTC = London/Portugal time)
- 11.15 a.m. (CET = Central European Time)
The title of my présentation will be "From spirituality to homeopathy".
On Facebook you will find an interview, in preparation for my lecture.